Attic Theatre
Dicken’s “Christmas Carol“
December 11th, 12th 13th and 14th,
with a matinee on Saturday 14th!
Attic Theatre
Attic Theatre is an 84 seat theatre in Newcastle-Emlyn. In 2022 we are planning to present at least three productions, and are hoping to increase the number over time.
All productions are completely staffed and performed by a volunteer members group.
Find out more about us here. Our upcoming production is Bed in April. You can see our recent productions here.
New members are always welcome to work on all aspects of putting on productions from being back stage to being on the stage, and everything in between. Find out more here.
Or you could become a Friend or Fan of Attic Theatre.
We’ve won 3 National Operatic and Drama Association awards in the past three years! We look forward to seeing you at the theatre in the audience or joining us in creating productions.
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